Robotic Palletizing - Quest Box Bot QB300 | Integrated Packaging Line for Metal Jugs

Looking for a one stop shop to automate the end of your packaging line? Look no further! The award-winning Quest team designs fully integrated packaging lines specifically for your exact needs. In this video, you will see a packaging line for metal gallon jugs, featuring case erecting, drop packing, case sealing, wet case detection, and robotic palletizing. The Quest palletizer uses a long-reach FANUC robot for exceptional payload capabilities and higher case stacking capabilities. Thanks to Wexxar Bel and our other ProMach partners, we offer highly intuitive and efficient end-of-line solutions to almost any industry.

The Quest Box Bot, specifically designed for automated palletizing, optimizes space within production facilities, especially those constrained by tight quarters. This is achieved through its minimal footprint that can be as small as 8'x10', ensuring it can be seamlessly integrated even in environments where space is at a premium. The agility of the Box Bot system extends to its rapid setup and flexibility, accommodating changes in production demands or facility layouts with ease. At its core, the Box Bot utilizes a FANUC robot, enabling more efficient shipping by achieving higher stack patterns and maximizing tractor-trailer space. This efficiency is further supported by our QBox custom pallet building software, providing an intuitive platform for creating pallet patterns, thus eliminating the need for onsite programming—a significant time and cost saver.