Qleen Coat & Qleen Armor Drip Trays

The Story Behind the Innovation


Located in the heart of Wisconsin’s Dairyland, Quest historically found customers who were ready for automation, but could not automate because the robots finish was not suitable for the harsh conditions and cleaning processes used in USDA-Dairy sanitary environment.


In order to overcome the challenges of harsh cleaning solutions on the robot finish and keeping condensation and liquid away from the product, Quest developed a proprietary robotic coating as well as specialized drip management solution.

Qleen Coat is a specialized coating, paired with our suggested cleaning method, which not only protects the finish, but also gives the robot a bright, quality sheen. The end user gains the advantage running a clean system.

The second Quest innovation to enable robotic automation in food safe areas is the use of robotic drip trays or “armor”. The trays catch any fluid or condensate and keep it contained and away from the food zones.

Qleen Coat & Qleen Armor Drip Trays Today

Quest’s Qleen Coat and Qleen Armor specialized robotic drip management solutions enable robotic automation for the rigorous environments in the cheese and dairy industry. We understand 3-A Sanitary, USDA, & FDA compliance and incorporation those requirements within the equipment to help your facility pass safety and quality standards. This experience translates to any industry subjecting robots to harsh wash down conditions or requiring the containment of fluids.